1 green thumb logo
Tara and Scott from 1 Green Thumb Gardening

About Us

We are Scott and Tara Pearson and along with our trusty team, we are 1 Green Thumb Gardening. 


We are an Aussie (Scott) who met a Canadian (Tara) while traveling through Scotland sixteen years ago.


In 2009, we married and decided to settle down in the beautiful city of Toowoomba. After eight years of marriage and two kids, we officially became 1 Green Thumb Gardening.


1 Green Thumb was born from an opportunity where we saw a gap in the market for high quality property maintenance. We wanted to build a business that can take care of the whole property's gardening needs, not just whipper snipping and mowing. To offer our clients their very own oasis after a long day at work.

The team at 1 Green Thumb Gardening genuinely care for the environment. In addition to promoting environmentally conscious  gardening, we also support and promote other aspects of sustainable living. We work with many local companies to acquire our products, From Earthlife Toowoomba (soil conditioners, Orgro (Organic soils), Qld Organics ( Fertilises) and Enfab fabrication for our metal edging. We try not to use synthetic fertilisers and have the desire to create a healthy garden. We are committed to using battery operated equipment, charged by our solar panels and are conscious of the amount of water that we use. We strive to use materials  that will stand the test of time and not need to be replaced, for example metal garden edging instead of plastic and Hard wood instead of pine.

Our Vision | Mission | Values

Mission Statement 

To provide a neat, clean, thriving property, that is easy to look after while providing enjoyment and a yard to look forward to being surrounded by.


To be environmentally conscious gardeners where we focus on the foundation and rejuvenate gardens from the underground up. We employ regenerative agriculture principles to create, build and maintain our clients garden spaces.

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Quality Service – Committing to the highest standard workmanship by using quality materials, paying attention to detail and by providing the best quality service possible at the right price.


Result Driven - We are passionate about training and encouraging our staff to learn and grow as gardeners and follow our practices to produce the best results.


Educating - We take the time to educate our clients on our processes and end goal. We are passionate about teaching these practices to those who are aspiring gardeners themselves.


We Care – We genuinely care about our clients and their gardens. The client's garden is treated like our own and we aim to transform gardens, not just tidy them.


Environmentally Aware - From the natural enzymes and sprays we use, to leaving the native insects in peace - we are working towards sustainable gardens for all.


Ongoing Training - We are constantly looking for new and better ways to garden for the environment as well as investing in learning what it takes to be a better business.


Teamwork – Creating great work relationships and a productive work environment through respect, appreciation and open communication.

The Team

photo of Scott


Head Hedger - Scott loves to hedge! Growing up with parents who were passionate about gardening, it wasn’t much of a stretch for Scott to become a passionate gardener himself. 

The passion Scott’s family showed for the environment meant as a family they would compost, have their own vegetable garden and of course be educated first hand on what they were doing, so that Scott could assist! Family holidays were spent in nature, visiting national parks and bush walking, appreciating the wonder of the wildlife, flora and fauna.

In essence it was built into Scott’s character to identify good gardening practices to sustain a beautiful garden. As he grew, it turned into a passion that he wanted to share with other aspiring gardeners. Scott wants others to know the right mulch to use and how much, or when to best water to help lawns recover, so that long after he's done his part, his clients can continue to nourish their gardens and enjoy envious blanket like lawns and low maintenance gardens.

photo of Tara


Originally from Canada, Tara’s experience in the role began when she was the outdoor maintenance supervisor in charge of sports fields and ten plus playgrounds.

Part of her role included mowing, whipper snipping, weeding and marking of the sports fields and organising three staff members. 

Whilst working with your partner can be challenging, Tara loves the fact that she gets to spend time with Scott in the beautiful outdoors and seeing all the different species of plants that grow and thrive in Toowoomba. The most satisfying part of her job is taking a sad, neglected garden and getting it to flourish once again.

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